Does goal setting make you feel anxious? Do you have high (or unreasonable) expectations of yourself?
Do you have thoughts that changing your behavior should be “easy”?
Are you “your own worst enemy” when it comes taking care of yourself?
If any of these questions resonate with you, fear not, there is hope! We know that in the U.S. there is too much focus on the negative aspects of self-care and lots of judgement out there. It can feel frustrating to think about a wellness program, never mind starting one!
Here is an easier way to approach this….
Have you heard about the KISS method (Keep It Simple Sweetie) of creating goals? It has been proven over and again that setting goals is the first step to achieving them! Think about what you would like to change when it comes to wellness and health, figure out simple, achievable steps to take for each goal. Here is an example for adding exercise into your life. If you already do regular exercise, you can use this basic outline to create goals in other areas, food, mindfulness, setting up family time or whatever matters to you!
- Set an achievable goal
- Plan to walk on a specific day, at a specific time of day for a specific amount of time
- Select your walking clothes in advance
- Notice barriers that get in the way
- Once you complete your goal, write it down in a journal.
- Work with a friend or an accountability coach to help you be accountable to setting, achieving, renewing and celebrating goals!
Could be walking for 5-15 minutes, when starting a physical activity program. It works to select an activity that you are WILLING to do!
Put this on your calendar – electronic or paper. Tell someone that you will be doing this and ask them to check in with you after the time!
Have them ready to wear on the designated day and time, along with anything else you need – perhaps your phone with headsets so you can listen to music or inspirational speakers.
Your mind saying that you don’t want to do it, or you cannot do it because it is raining – and remember that you can move your body through space, and take your crabby mind with you, even if you have to start inside!
Celebrate with a great pat on your back! Then you can repeat this process and set the next goal, or repeat this same goal for a few times. This may build confidence and enable you to walk further or for more time!
Nothing like having a cheerleader and advisor to help you achieve your goals. Anyone who has achieved any goals in life has had coaches!