Our Blog
Want to get Toned? Read This First!
What does "Toned" really mean? Whenever I am working with a new female client, in particular, I often hear them say "I just want to get toned". Where the definition of toned is often the same between client and trainer, the path to getting there can to be filled with...
Is Personal Training Right For You? Check Out The Options
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Time to start the new year off with our best foot forward! For many of us, that also means starting a new fitness program. We want you to have a better understanding of the different kinds of training options that are available, so you can decide...
7 Steps To Surviving Holiday Food
The holidays season is approaching! That means, food, candy canes, briskets, stuffing, and lots of other goodies are next on the menu. I bet you are thinking of just forgetting all of your hard work, and starting fresh with a New Years Resolution, aren't you? Not so...